Basic settings

Before creating your first campaign its is important to set some basic settings. These settings include proxies and basic API's that SEO Neo requires in order to run a campaign properly.

1. Set your proxies

Proxies quality effect your campaign success rate so it is very important to choose high quality proxies for your SEO Neo campaigns.

To set your proxies navigate:

Main menu > Settings > Proxies

Copy the list of your proxies from your service provider and paste them into Proxies text box. You can add multiple proxies (one per line).

You should use good quality proxies which have at least 3 Mbps speed. Proxies highly effect your campaign success rate.

You can check your proxies before using them on your campaign to make sure they are set and working as desired. To test your proxies, click on "Test" button and wait until the software finishes testing process.

2. Set Captcha API Key

Grab your API key credentials from your Captcha solver service and use these credentials into Captcha service settings.

To do so, navigate:

Settings > Third Party API > Captcha.

It is extremely important to have set a Captcha solver in order for SEO Neo to use any website that requires captcha.

3. Other Settings

If you have subscription to 3rd party services like content creators (Article Forge, OpenAI) , spinners (Spin Rewriter, Word AI, Spinner Chief, Espinner) or any indexer service (Omega Indexer, Colinkri, Speedlinks, Index Inject) it is now the best time to set these settings.

Open AI

One of the most important 3rd party API is Open AI. This is the best source to generate articles for your campaigns. If you have Open AI you can even omit the use of article spinners, because you could generate hundreds or thousand of articles for your content buckets.


It is also recommended to use an indexer, in order for you campaigns to have a greater impact on search engines. Simply put: If you have an indexer, then when your campaign finishes, SEO Neo will send these links to Indexing service, to make Search Engines know that your links are there.

To improve your campaign results it is ultra-high recommended to also use an indexer service. Using an indexer doesn't effect how your campaigns run, but it effects how search engines favor your created backlinks from your campaigns.

It is recommended to use Omega Indexer or Colinkri crawler for your campaigns.

For more details refer to Settings section of this documentation.

Last updated