Google Cloud - setup

Google Cloud API Settings

Required credentials:

  • Service account key (JSON File)

How to obtain credentials (JSON file)

Login in to your Google Cloud account.

Navigate: Cloud Storage > Buckets

Create a new project and set Project Name and Location. Click "Create".

Navigate: Buckets > Create Bucket

Give a name for your bucket and click "Continue" button.

Continue by setting the next options based on your preference. On the step "Choose how to control access objects", on Access control set "Fine-grained" and continue.

The option "Enforce public access prevention on this bucket" must be unchecked (disabled).

The option "Enforce access prevention on this bucket" must be unchecked/disabled as shown on the image below. If you have this enabled, it will not work for SEO Neo.

Make sure "Enforce public access prevention on this bucket" option is unchecked.

Then navigate to APIs & Services > Enabled APIs and Services


Select "Cloud Storage API" which is the service we will use for our cloud blogs.

Click "Enable" button to enable the service.

From "APIs & Services" > click on "Credentials" submenu.

On Credentials menu, click "CREATE CREDENTIALS" and then "Service Account" option.

You will be navigated to "Service Account" menu. Give a Service account name and Service account ID and click "CREATE AND CONTINUE" button to continue on next step.

On the next step, you set Role to "Owner" and click "DONE" button.

On the next screen you will see your service accounts. Click on your created service account.

Go to "KEYS" menu, click on "ADD KEY" and then "Create new key" option.

On the pop-up menu you will see option on creating your private key. Choose "JSON" option and click "CREATE" button.

Save the JSON file on your system. Use this JSON file to setup Google Cloud service.

Last updated