Managing Account Buckets

Account buckets delete

If you want to delete an account bucket, hover over the bucket from the table and click "Delete". This will remove the bucket and will also delete all accounts included into that bucket.

Deleting an account bucket, will also delete all accounts that are stored inside this bucket.

To delete multiple account buckets:

1) Select multiple buckets using checkboxes.

2) Click "Delete" from burger menu on top-right.

Account buckets rename

If you want to rename an account bucket, hover over the bucket from the table and click "Rename". When you rename a bucket that is already used inside a campaign, the bucket name will also change from these campaigns.

Clean Inactive Accounts

If you want to delete all inactive accounts for each website and keep only active accounts, you can save time by clicking on "Clean Inactive Accounts". This will do the cleaning automatically.

To do this, you can hover on any account bucket row, and click on "Clean Inactive" hover button.

Last updated